
What is the mainstream Transistors - Bipolar (BJT) - Arrays production process?

    2023-05-20 13:22:02 2

Transistors are one of the most important electronic components that have revolutionized the world of electronics. They are used in a wide range of applications, from simple amplifiers to complex digital circuits. Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) are one of the most commonly used types of transistors. They are widely used in various electronic devices, including computers, televisions, radios, and many others. In this article, we will discuss the mainstream production process of BJT arrays.

Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) are three-layer devices that consist of two p-n junctions. They are called bipolar because they involve both electrons and holes in their operation. BJTs are classified into two types: NPN and PNP. In an NPN transistor, the emitter is made of N-type material, the base is made of P-type material, and the collector is made of N-type material. In a PNP transistor, the emitter is made of P-type material, the base is made of N-type material, and the collector is made of P-type material.

BJT arrays are a collection of multiple BJTs that are integrated into a single package. They are used in various applications, including amplifiers, switches, and digital circuits. The production process of BJT arrays involves several steps, including wafer fabrication, device processing, and packaging.

Wafer Fabrication

The first step in the production of BJT arrays is wafer fabrication. This process involves the creation of a silicon wafer that will be used as the base material for the transistors. The wafer is made of high-purity silicon and is typically 200-300mm in diameter. The wafer is then cleaned and polished to remove any impurities and defects.

The next step is the creation of the active layer on the wafer. This layer is made of a thin layer of silicon dioxide that is deposited on the wafer using a process called chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The active layer is then patterned using photolithography, which involves the use of a mask to create a pattern on the active layer. The pattern is then transferred to the wafer using a process called etching, which removes the unwanted material from the wafer.

Device Processing

The next step in the production of BJT arrays is device processing. This process involves the creation of the individual transistors on the wafer. The process begins with the creation of the base region of the transistor. This is done by doping the wafer with impurities such as boron or phosphorus. The base region is then patterned using photolithography and etching.

The next step is the creation of the emitter and collector regions of the transistor. This is done by doping the wafer with impurities such as arsenic or antimony. The emitter and collector regions are then patterned using photolithography and etching.

After the emitter, base, and collector regions have been created, the wafer is annealed to activate the dopants and to repair any damage caused by the etching process. The wafer is then coated with a layer of silicon dioxide to protect the transistors during the subsequent processing steps.


The final step in the production of BJT arrays is packaging. This process involves the assembly of the individual transistors into a single package. The transistors are first separated from the wafer using a process called dicing. The individual transistors are then mounted on a lead frame and wire bonded to the frame.

The lead frame is then encapsulated in a plastic or ceramic package using a process called molding. The package is then tested to ensure that the transistors are functioning correctly. The final step is marking and labeling the package with the appropriate part number and other identifying information.


In conclusion, the production process of BJT arrays involves several steps, including wafer fabrication, device processing, and packaging. The process begins with the creation of a silicon wafer, which is then patterned and doped to create the individual transistors. The transistors are then assembled into a single package and tested to ensure that they are functioning correctly. BJT arrays are widely used in various electronic devices and are an essential component of modern electronics.

Transistors are one of the most important electronic components that have revolutionized the world of electronics. They are used in a wide range of applications, from simple amplifiers to complex digital circuits. Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) are one of the most commonly used types of transistors. They are widely used in various electronic devices, including computers, televisions, radios, and many others. In this article, we will discuss the mainstream production process of BJT arrays.

Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) are three-layer devices that consist of two p-n junctions. They are called bipolar because they involve both electrons and holes in their operation. BJTs are classified into two types: NPN and PNP. In an NPN transistor, the emitter is made of N-type material, the base is made of P-type material, and the collector is made of N-type material. In a PNP transistor, the emitter is made of P-type material, the base is made of N-type material, and the collector is made of P-type material.

BJT arrays are a collection of multiple BJTs that are integrated into a single package. They are used in various applications, including amplifiers, switches, and digital circuits. The production process of BJT arrays involves several steps, including wafer fabrication, device processing, and packaging.

Wafer Fabrication

The first step in the production of BJT arrays is wafer fabrication. This process involves the creation of a silicon wafer that will be used as the base material for the transistors. The wafer is made of high-purity silicon and is typically 200-300mm in diameter. The wafer is then cleaned and polished to remove any impurities and defects.

The next step is the creation of the active layer on the wafer. This layer is made of a thin layer of silicon dioxide that is deposited on the wafer using a process called chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The active layer is then patterned using photolithography, which involves the use of a mask to create a pattern on the active layer. The pattern is then transferred to the wafer using a process called etching, which removes the unwanted material from the wafer.

Device Processing

The next step in the production of BJT arrays is device processing. This process involves the creation of the individual transistors on the wafer. The process begins with the creation of the base region of the transistor. This is done by doping the wafer with impurities such as boron or phosphorus. The base region is then patterned using photolithography and etching.

The next step is the creation of the emitter and collector regions of the transistor. This is done by doping the wafer with impurities such as arsenic or antimony. The emitter and collector regions are then patterned using photolithography and etching.

After the emitter, base, and collector regions have been created, the wafer is annealed to activate the dopants and to repair any damage caused by the etching process. The wafer is then coated with a layer of silicon dioxide to protect the transistors during the subsequent processing steps.


The final step in the production of BJT arrays is packaging. This process involves the assembly of the individual transistors into a single package. The transistors are first separated from the wafer using a process called dicing. The individual transistors are then mounted on a lead frame and wire bonded to the frame.

The lead frame is then encapsulated in a plastic or ceramic package using a process called molding. The package is then tested to ensure that the transistors are functioning correctly. The final step is marking and labeling the package with the appropriate part number and other identifying information.


In conclusion, the production process of BJT arrays involves several steps, including wafer fabrication, device processing, and packaging. The process begins with the creation of a silicon wafer, which is then patterned and doped to create the individual transistors. The transistors are then assembled into a single package and tested to ensure that they are functioning correctly. BJT arrays are widely used in various electronic devices and are an essential component of modern electronics.

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